Saturday, December 15, 2012

Quick Update

A really busy weekend! Only have time to update, but I'll write more later next time!

Meal 1: Korean ramen, white rice
Meal 2: 1/3c egg whites + Tapatio, 2p canadian bacon, water, coffee + raw sugar
Meal 3: Chicken Thai Basil + veggies, water
Meal 4: Vanilla ice-cream, natural pb, choc chips

Workout Schedule:
Sat: 20min Stairs, Chest/Triceps, 15min Stairs, Shoulders/Abs
Sun: PLAN Legs + cardio
Mon: PLAN Back/Biceps + cardio
Tues: PLAN Chest/Triceps + cardio
Wed: PLAN Legs + cardio
Thurs: PLAN Shoulders + cardio
Fri: PLAN Rest Day

Today's Weight Workout: Chest/Triceps + Shoulders/Abs

Circuit 3x

  1. Push-ups 10
  2. Incline Dumbbell Press 15lbs
  3. Dumbbell Flat bench flyes 12lbs

Circuit 3x

  1. Bench Dips 8-10
  2. Skull crushers 12lbs
  3. Dumbbell Triceps kickbacks 12lbs

Circuit 3x

  1. Seated Dumbbell Press 12lbs
  2. Dumbbell Front Raise 6lbs
  3. Dumbbell Lateral Raise 6lbs

Circuit 3x

  1. Flat bench leg lifts 20
  2. Medicine ball twists 20-30 Purple ball
  3. Physio ball transfers 20

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